Drop Dead Cute by Eva Daly


TitleDrop Dead Cute

StudentEva Daly

Type:Instalation, Multimedia, Art


Performative Interaction has become a rich means of conceptualizing art and HCI, engaging and challenging its audience. Performative Interaction employs full body movement as a medium, encapsulating the senses and heighten the spectator experience. Performative Interaction allows the general public to step out of their usual circumstances and become much more than spectators but performers of art, blurring the lines between reality and imagination. Drop Dead Cute is an Interactive Installation that draws inspiration from a contemporary Japanese style of art known as SUPERFLAT. This seemingly outlandish and adorable style of art is not quite what meets the eye. The artwork will titillate the audience’s curiosity as they transition from spectator to performer and use full body movements to reveal SUPERFLAT’s dark and violent undercurrent. Drop Dead Cute will provoke the viewer to think feelingly about the artwork and engage in the situation. The installation uncovers how performative interaction can intensify the spectator experience.