EveryTenSeconds by Craig Tyner



StudentCraig Tyner

Type:Simulation, Game


Research has shown that newer, younger drivers are more likely to be in car accidents. This can be resulting from a variety of factors, including inexperience, distraction or overconfidence. Observation skills are also one of the top three driving test failure reasons throughout the world.
EveryTenSeconds is an exercise in examining alternative models of car-driver interaction and education, with the purpose of reinforcing positive driving habits in a safe environment without the need for extra supervision. Using non-invasive tactile, audio and visual signals, the device encourages the user to check their mirrors after short intervals, using an eye-tracking camera to detect and measure their performance. In the demo setup, a primary computer runs the driving simulation, while a secondary computer tracks the user and runs the appropriate software. The ideal objective of the project would be to develop EveryTenSeconds into a standalone product capable of being used in cars to give driving students higher chances of passing their test and receiving their licence.