Sensory Tunnel by Nileet Jacob Philip Sensory Tunnel by Nileet Jacob Philip


TitleSensory Tunnel: An Interactive Installation that supports Autistic Children

StudentNileet Jacob Philip

Type:UN SUstainable Development, IoT, Physical Computing, Installation


Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a developmental disability that can causes significant social, communication, and behavioural difficulties. It may also manifest itself in restricted interests and repetitive behaviours. Its idiosyncratic nature makes it highly distinctive. There is a growing body of research that highlights the importance of providing highly individualised early and intensive interventions. This research aims at reflecting on the importance of innovative multidisciplinary inclusive design tools that are modular and progressive in nature. As an aid, the installation demonstrates how interaction design and tangible computing can be used to support caregivers in effectively helping the child with autism to acquire self-regulation skills, and other skills of interest, using the installation developed as a tool.
'Sensory tunnel' is an installation that supports children with autism. The play-based interaction can be used to provide Sensory Therapy to children on the spectrum. Along with providing early intervention for children, the installation can also support collaborative play. The Sensory Tunnel consists of an installation that aims to aid in sensory integration. The installation is modular and has several interactive elements. The installation is accompanied by a controller, which allows the inputs of the installation to be adjusted and controlled according to the requirements of the child.
The purpose of the tunnel is to enable the children to use it and regulate and grant themselves the opportunity to achieve the balance, as well as organising themselves and, if needed, stimulating the environment. By allowing the children to modulate their own environment, this could also be useful in identifying the sensory issues that the child might be experiencing. Installation also aims to enhance the relationship dynamics between the caregiver and the child by providing opportunities for play-based interactions while encouraging co-participation. Sensory tunnel can serve as an important tool for engaging children with autistic disabilities.